1. Everywhere Krishna

    With advance of Krishna Consciousness one is able to realize that Krishna is always with His devotees — not only with His devotees, also with the non-devotees, but the devotees can recognize His Presence and the non-devotees cannot. The more you make advancement in Krishna Consciousness you will see Krishna everywhere. Not only on the bank of the river, […]
  2. Srila Prabhupada on Vyasa-puja

    Vyasa-puja means to accept this parampara system. Vyasa. Guru is the representative of Vyasadeva because he does not change anything. What Vyasadeva said, your guru will also say the same thing. Not that “So many hundreds of thousands of years have passed away. Therefore I will give you a new formula.” No. There is no new formula. The same […]
  3. Simply try to understand Krsna

    If you simply try to understand Krsna — why Krsna advents Himself, why does He come, why does He disappear, what are His activities, what is His philosophy, this is Krsna consciousness. If you simply try to understand Krsna, then the result will be tyaktva deham — after giving up this body, no more accepting. Then you stop your […]
  4. Krsna’s many names

    Actually the Lord’s name already exists because of His transcendental activities. The Lord is sometimes called guna-karma-nama because He is named according to His transcendental activities. For example, Krsna means “all-attractive.” This is the Lord’s name because His transcendental qualities make Him very attractive. As a small boy He lifted Govardhana Hill, and in His childhood He killed many demons. […]
  5. The perfect name

    “Krsna” is the most explicit term for God. God may have many names. Krsna is the perfect name. God has no name; some philosophers say like that. No name means that His name is understood by His different action. Just like Krsna is sometimes called Yasoda-nandana. Because He has accepted Mother Yasoda, to become her son, therefore Krsna’s name […]
  6. Conditions for hearing

    The conditions for hearing the transcendental message of the Absolute Truth are set forth herein. The first condition is that the audience must be very sincere and eager to hear. And the speaker must be in the line of disciplic succession from the recognized acarya. The transcendental message of the Absolute is not understandable by those who are materially […]
  7. Srila Prabhupada quotes Vivekananda on Darwin &Western civilization

    …the modern civilization, according to Darwin’s theory, they are advancing to become animal. That’s it. Therefore they are claiming their forefathers are coming from monkeys. That somebody said on the other day, Vivekananda was asked that “Why your Indian forefathers did not come, long years ago?” He answered, “Because your forefathers were jumping in the tree.” (laughter) It is very […]
  8. We are Hare Krsna people

    Reporter: Swamiji, your movement has received a great deal of attention for, at least one reason, because many of your followers dress in what for the West is an odd fashion and relate to the world in what for the West is an odd fashion. Can you respond to that? Why have you asked your followers to dress in […]
  9. Srila Prabhupada did not come alone to America

    I never feel that I am alone. Of course, when I came to your country without any friend, without any means… Practically, just like a vagabond I came. But I had full faith that “My Guru Maharaja is with me.” I never lost this faith, and that is fact. Srila Prabhupada, speaking on His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati […]