1. Krpa-siddhi

    One devotee asked you, “How does krpa-siddhi work, Srila Prabhupada?” At this, you began repeatedly poking him in the stomach, and while he laughed in ecstasy you shouted, “You are not willing to take this, but I say, ‘Take it! Take it! Take it!’ Even you are unwilling, I give it in your pocket, push it. That is krpa.” […]
  2. Why we are printing books

    Yes, we are fighting impersonalism and voidism with pure devotional service. Impersonalism and voidism kills the natural aptitude of devotion which is lying dormant in everyone’s heart. Therefore we are printing books like our KRISHNA book so that people may know it that the supreme absolute truth is a person. The perfection of every living creature is to render […]
  3. Abortionists cannot avoid punishment

    We are in the womb of the mother, and all of a sudden we come out, we see light, begin to cry, and the relatives take care of us and we forget everything, in how much precarious condition I was before my birth. Those who are ordinarily sinful can at least see the light once, but those who […]
  4. Who is a follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu?

    CC Antya 3.51 purport: Those who are following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu should take the Lord’s mission most seriously. … One who identifies himself as a follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu should feel like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who said, iha-sabara kon mate ha-ibe nistara: “How will all these yavanas be delivered?” CC Adi 9.39 purport: Therefore […]
  5. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission, preaching, so important

    Why are we preaching? Why, what was the necessity to come in the Western country? No. Krsna wants; Caitanya Mahaprabhu wants. Therefore devotee goes from town to town, village to village. Prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama [CB Antya-khanda 4.126]. This is Vaisnava. He is thinking for everyone. Because it is a fact, without Krsna consciousness, everyone is suffering. That’s a fact. […]
  6. The most basic of all principles

    The Padma Purana recommends: somehow or other always think of Visnu, without forgetting Him under any circumstances. Actually this is the most basic of all regulative principles. It doesn’t matter whether one is a beginner — a brahmacari — or is very advanced — a sannyasi. The principle of remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly and not forgetting […]
  7. Accepting a wife to give birth to a son

    Putra [son] has got a duty, to save the forefathers. Therefore one has to, it is his duty to keep a putra. At least one son he must leave. But people are not very much anxious to have putra. Rather to kill putra. They are so sinful. Kama-lobha-hata-cetasah. Simply sense enjoyment. That’s all. Why bharya? Why one should […]