Shortcut of “demon-cracy” is “democracy.” All the demons and rogues, they gather together, somehow or other votes, and occupy the seat, and the business is plundering. The business is plundering. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.18 — 28 September, 1974
Brahmananda: You also tricked us, Srila Prabhupada, when you came to New York. You were just chanting Hare Krsna and speaking on Bhagavad-gita, and we came and we listened, and then you took everything. You took our lives, took all of our money… [devotees chuckle] We left our families. Prabhupada: There is a Bengali word, […]
To maintain proper social order and help the citizens gradually progress toward the goal of life—namely spiritual understanding—the principles of varnasrama-dharma must be accepted. Unless human society is regulated by varnasrama-dharma, it is no better than a bestial society of cats and dogs. Srila Prabhupada, SB 5.1.29, ppt.
Let there be one mantra for the whole world — the maha-mantra: In this present day, man is very eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. So let there be one common scripture for the whole world — Bhagavad-gita. And let there be one God only for the whole world […]
Tvayi: “Unto You, let there be my devotion,” ahaituki, “without any motive.” Everyone has got some motive. People become dharmika, go to the temples. That’s very good. They are pious — to ask something: “O God, give us our daily bread.” A bhakta, a pure bhakta, he does not ask anything. Why he should ask? […]
Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money, alone. And gradually things developed. [break] …all foreigners. I did not approach any Indian. I did not approach anyone, but Krsna […]
Most dear Śrila Prabhupāda, you undertook your worldwide mission exactly according to the principles enshrined in Śrila Rūpa Gosvāmī’s Srī Upadeśāmr̥ta, which you rendered in English as The Nectar of Instruction.
The following is a composite of the edited transcripts of four lectures on the topic of forgiveness given by His Holiness Bhakti Vikāsa Mahārāja in Russia 2019. In the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad-gītā, after seeing Kṛṣṇa display His universal form, Arjuna had a profound realization that he was very small and insignificant compared to Him, the […]
Venue: Ekacakra, The Birthplace of Sri Nityananda Prabhu Interviewer: Padmamukha Nimai Das
Good news for the new year. We are releasing complete audio archive of HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaj on the occasion of 59th vyasa-puja festival of Maharaj at Somnath (Gujarat) to be held on 23rd January 2016. 5000+ lectures including about 2000 never released recordings. Book your order now to receive it at vyasa-puja festival or to get it delivered at your place.
We have received overwhelming response of devotees from all over the world who regularly listen to the lectures of HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaj using the website. Since the inception of the new website on Radhastami 2013, there are over one million downloads and plays of lectures. Many devotees find the guidance given in these lectures enlivening in their progress of Krsna consciousness. Hope you are also being benefitted by this humble service.
We are pleased to announce the launch of 24/7 Online radio station called "Bhakti Vikasa Swami Radio". On this station, you can hear Maharaj's lectures non-stop throughout the day. Special lectures will be played based on the festival or appearance/disappearance days of previous acharyas. The 24/7 Online radio is available on this page.
I left my home, my children and everything. I came here as a pauper, with seven dollars. That is no money. But I have got now big properties, hundreds of children. [laughter] And I haven’t got to think for their provision. They are thinking of me. So that is Krsna’s favor. In the beginning, it appears to be very […]
Revolutionary public program was organized in Sinhalese area in a town near Kandy in Central Province of Sri Lanka.
Just a few years ago, when the civil war between Sinhalese (Buddhist) and Tamils was raging, nobody would imagine that a Hare Krishna program would be held in the heart of Buddhist culture in Kandy.
Vaiṣṇava Culture, Etiquette, and Behavior
The highest stage of dharma, and therefore of human attainment, is Vaiṣṇavism, the culture of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Therefore it is essential that every devotee learn and imbibe Vaiṣṇava culture, etiquette, and behavior—collectively known as sadācāra, or śiṣṭācāra—without which a devotee, even though intently engaged in activities of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, remains incomplete, similar to a beautiful person devoid of ornaments.
Based on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.17.38, 11.5.11), Śrīla Prabhupāda instituted as an initiation vow that all disciples follow four regulative principles:
The beginning of religious life is to abandon the four principles of prohibited activities—namely illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling, and intoxication.
In our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, the requirement is that one must be prepared to give up the four pillars of sinful life—illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling.
Public programs are an important means for presenting Kṛṣṇa consciousness to the general populace. Herein we provide some basic guidelines for the successful execution of such programs.
All aspects of the function should be planned and executed in advance, so that as far as possible everything goes smoothly at the actual event. Especially major events require much planning and coordination to execute successfully. Visitors are likely to be impressed by efficient organization, but even one deficient feature can mar the...
Women: Masters or Mothers? — A book by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami
As a woman, there are 'n' number of things I have learnt by reading these two books of HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami—“Glimpses of Traditional Indian Life" and “Women: Mothers or Masters?” (now Mothers and Masters). Although I was raised in a "modern independent Indian environment” in which many things mentioned in those books are considered quite backward, after reading about exemplary women in the Bhagavatam, I feel that this is the actual (and natural) way for me to live,...
The first in a series of readings on the 1st edition of H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami's Women: Masters or Mothers? This video covers the book's introduction, read by Krishna-kirti Prabhu, who also comments on the text.