Modern education means to create dogs. The dog goes door to door and moves the tail: "Please give me if you have anything." So this educated person with application goes, and they say, "No vacancy. Get out." Therefore they are dogs. Educated means dogs. They are creating dogs. In Vedic culture no brahmana will accept any job. No ksatriya will accept any job. No vaisya will accept any… Only sudras. Only sudras.
Doggish mentality is there. Educated dogs. After passing so many examinations, they are seeking after master. And without master they will starve. This is doggish mentality. A big technologist, unless he gets a good job, he is nothing but dog.
On the principle it is dog's business. Unless you get a master, you are useless. So that is dog's business. Just like these dogs here on the beach. Because they have no master, they are forlorn, only barking and going here, there. That's all. Sanatha jivitah. So we are, every one of us, we are now dogs of the material nature, or just like street dogs.
Hare Krsna. Therefore we should take shelter of the big master, Krsna. Then it will be all right.
Srila Prabhupada — November 17, 1975, Bombay