1. Free sex & women’s lib

    Prabhupada: In the name of religious men, because they are not civilized even, it is further, further.

    Ramesvara: And another thing that came out of the hippie movement is this abortion. Because the whole thing… The slogan was “free sex.” So now they have free sex.

    Hari-sauri: Women’s liberation was another thing.

    Ramesvara: All based on sex. Abortion, divorce — everything related to sex has increased.

    Hari-sauri: They used to carry signs, “I want the control of my body,” the women, the women’s liberation.

    Prabhupada: That is woman’s liberation.

    Hari-sauri: Yeah. “I can do with my body whatever I like. Nobody can tell me what to do. If I want to kill my child, I can kill.”

    Prabhupada: The child has father’s…, the life from father’s property, and the mother is only giving you shelter. She is not the proprietor. Even in other’s, womb of other’s wife, a child is born… I give birth to a child in other’s wife, that is my child. Mother is considered the field, ksetra. But when I till the ksetra, field, the production is mine. This idea. The land may be yours, but if I plow on it and produce food grains, that is mine. That is not yours. Even in other’s wife, if somebody begets child, the child belongs to the father.

    Conversation — January 11, 1977

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